Penis size is a concern that many men face. This is the reason why there are numerous products like the male enhancement pill that are being sold in the market. For guys who believe that size does matter and that bigger is better, taking these pills is the solution to their insecurity or problem of having a small dick.
Taking a male enhancement pill is a typical way used by men to have a larger penis. This is the option usually resorted to because it is easy and convenient. All it takes is to drink the pill to achieve the penis size that you want. Moreover, this is fairly cheaper compared to other means of penis enhancement like surgery.
Is it Dangerous?
The promised results of these pills are enticing. But still, one has to be very cautious in taking these penis enhancement medications. For one, a lot of these products are being offered with exaggerated claims and are mostly not tested nor approved for safety by the FDA or the Food and Drugs Administration. Hence, the intake of these pills may cause side effects that in the end may outweigh whatever "benefits" that have been gained from them.
The male enhancement pill isn't always 100% risk-free. Just like the taking of any other medications, this sort of pill might result to side effects whether they're synthetic or is made up of natural ingredients. Side effects of penis enhancement pills might be subtle like headaches, dizziness, stomach aches, flushing of the face, nasal congestions, allergies, inexplicable nervousness, and other discomforts or might be more extreme like blindness, deafness, stroke, heart attack and a condition characterized by painful, prolonged erection of the penis called Priapism.
Men who have pre-existing medical conditions like high blood and heart problems increase the risk factor of heart attack or stroke with the intake of these pills because of the chemical interaction between the meds they are taking with whatever substance composing these pills.
A Risk-Free Drug
Of course, as individuals react to meds differently, it may happen that a user of these pills may not experience any of the above-mentioned side effects or any other discomfort. But this does not mean that he is already lucky and can expect a bigger, better tool. The fact is that, while these pills may not cause him any harm neither will they cause him any good. The nagging truth about the male enhancement pill is that most of them are merely composed of herbs that though harmless, may not also be helpful in increasing penis size.
While they might not pose health issues (which rarely happens), think carefully before buying them lest, you will just be wasting your money. Most people have physical insecurities and it is good to know that there are means to address them. For some men, it's a shame to have small penis and so they think of ways to enhance their manhood by using a male enhancement pill. It is great, but make sure to know the risks along with it to have a worry-free experience in having a bigger penis. If you know the risks, you will be more careful when choosing an enhancement pill and you could find a effective and safe one for you.
Taking a male enhancement pill is a typical way used by men to have a larger penis. This is the option usually resorted to because it is easy and convenient. All it takes is to drink the pill to achieve the penis size that you want. Moreover, this is fairly cheaper compared to other means of penis enhancement like surgery.
Is it Dangerous?
The promised results of these pills are enticing. But still, one has to be very cautious in taking these penis enhancement medications. For one, a lot of these products are being offered with exaggerated claims and are mostly not tested nor approved for safety by the FDA or the Food and Drugs Administration. Hence, the intake of these pills may cause side effects that in the end may outweigh whatever "benefits" that have been gained from them.
The male enhancement pill isn't always 100% risk-free. Just like the taking of any other medications, this sort of pill might result to side effects whether they're synthetic or is made up of natural ingredients. Side effects of penis enhancement pills might be subtle like headaches, dizziness, stomach aches, flushing of the face, nasal congestions, allergies, inexplicable nervousness, and other discomforts or might be more extreme like blindness, deafness, stroke, heart attack and a condition characterized by painful, prolonged erection of the penis called Priapism.
Men who have pre-existing medical conditions like high blood and heart problems increase the risk factor of heart attack or stroke with the intake of these pills because of the chemical interaction between the meds they are taking with whatever substance composing these pills.
A Risk-Free Drug
Of course, as individuals react to meds differently, it may happen that a user of these pills may not experience any of the above-mentioned side effects or any other discomfort. But this does not mean that he is already lucky and can expect a bigger, better tool. The fact is that, while these pills may not cause him any harm neither will they cause him any good. The nagging truth about the male enhancement pill is that most of them are merely composed of herbs that though harmless, may not also be helpful in increasing penis size.
While they might not pose health issues (which rarely happens), think carefully before buying them lest, you will just be wasting your money. Most people have physical insecurities and it is good to know that there are means to address them. For some men, it's a shame to have small penis and so they think of ways to enhance their manhood by using a male enhancement pill. It is great, but make sure to know the risks along with it to have a worry-free experience in having a bigger penis. If you know the risks, you will be more careful when choosing an enhancement pill and you could find a effective and safe one for you.
About the Author:
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